MAY Month 5 of 12: MAYke a difference this month by MAYking your own


This Saturday is Vermont's Green Up Day where Vermonters take to the roads and highways to clean up the litter that lingers after the snow melts. A tradition since 1970 it's a good reminder of the waste that gets created when making purchases with packaging.

Recycling is no longer the answer and we need to go to the source of our rubbish which means being more mindful of what we buy and how it's packaged.

For those of you seeing this for the first time, a quick catch up... we’re looking to our community of friends and yogis to consider adopting new environmentally friendly changes each month for the next 12 months. Keep the suggestions and efforts coming and we'll add them to our list.

Join our force of concerned yogis that can change our minds and therefore, anything.


  • Green up day can be every day. When you take a walk in your area, bring a baggie along and fill it up.

  • BUY in BULK: oils, peanut butter, spices, nuts, granola, pastas, flour, sugar, grains the list goes on and on. All of these can be bought in bulk.

  • Bring your own containers to refill. You can reuse the containers in the bulk section, the deli/prepared foods counter and in produce.

  • Let your produce be free range. No need for individual produce bags. Aside from little items like green beans or mushrooms, which you can bring your own bags for, the rest of your produce can co-mingle in your grocery bags.

  • MAYke your own this month. MAYbe just try MAYking one thing on the list below with the easy to follow directions. Or join Holly this month for a MAYke your own workshop.

TICK REPELLENT - Ticks on the rise, prevention is the best way to combat these buggers.
100 or so drops of any of these essential oils: citronella, clove, lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar, catnip, geranium, lavender, mint.
1 TBSP vodka or rubbing alcohol
½ cup natural witch hazel
½ cup water (or vinegar)
1 tsp vegetable glycerin (optional)

  1. Place essential oils in a glass spray bottle. Add vodka or alcohol shake well to combine.

  2. Pour in witch hazel and shake to combine.

  3. Add ½ tsp vegetable glycerin if using. This is not necessary but helps everything stay combined.

  4. Add water and shake again. Shake before each use as the oils and water will naturally separate some over time.

SHAMPOO - An alternative to the No POO method which doesn't work for all hair types. Try this...1/4 cup coconut milk (homemade or canned)
1/4 cup Liquid castile Soap like Dr. Bronners
20 drops of Essential Oils of choice (peppermint, lavender, rosemary and orange or a combination)
For dry hair: add ½ tsp olive or almond oil (optional)

  1. Combine all ingredients in an old shampoo bottle or jar of some kind.

  2. Shake well to mix.

  3. Keep in shower for up to a month.

  4. Shake before each use.

  5. Use about a teaspoon

  6. If you use a foaming dispenser, it also makes a great shaving cream- just dilute with 1/4 cup distilled water!

DEODORANT - Tried and tested by one of our 12x12ers. She loves this deodorant, best she's ever used.
6 T coconut oil
1/4 cup (4TBSP) baking soda
1/4 cup (4TBSP) arrowroot or organic cornstarch
essential oils (optional)

  1. Mix baking soda and arrowroot together in a medium sized bowl.

  2. Mash in coconut oil with a fork until well mixed.

  3. Add oils if desired.

  4. Store in small glass jar or old deodorant container for easy use.



Youth Demand Action on Climate Change!
at 118 Elliot St in Brattleboro
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

On June 5, United Nations World Environment Day, come to 118 Elliot and hear student activists from our region, ages 13 to 20, who will share their stories.------

A Global Need, a Village Effort, an Individual Responsibility