FEBRUARY Month 2 of 12: Love The Planet This Valentine's Day


February is month 2 of our 12x12 Environmental Initiative with the following suggestions; loving the earth this Valentine's Day, bring your own, take a one day break, and absorb the heat. Take a look at our suggestions, change it up for one solid month and stick with it for life.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Join our force of concerned yogis that can change our minds and therefore, anything.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
Resetting the order of the 3 Rs. REDUCE first.

  • Bring your own utensils and napkins. Leave them in your car or bag. They'll be there when you eat on the run.

  • Take a break from buying bottled water and bring your own container. The studio has some lovely abandoned water bottles, we'd love you to have one.

Reduce Emissions:
Take a break.

  • Eat meatless for one or more days a week. Just developing some meat-consciousness will help your health and the health of the planet.

  • Stay home and try not driving for one solid day.

  • I know it's cold but idling the car for more than 15 seconds is a waste of fuel and of fumes.

Energy Conservation:
Catch the heat before it's gone! An open and shut case.

  • Open your blinds and curtains to let the heat in. Shut them again right after dusk.

  • Close vents and doors to rooms not being used.

  • Using a woodstove? Try setting a pot of clean water on it to use as hot water throughout your day. For tea, steaming veggies, boiling pasta. Fast dish water or add it to your bath.

Love Your Planet for Valentine's Day:

  • Give a potted plant instead of flowers*

  • Choose a locavore restaurant for your special dinner. Locally sourced. Farm to table.

  • Make your own planted seed Valentine's Day cards. https://gardentherapy.ca/seed-paper-v-day-cards/

  • Give Fair Trade Chocolate.**

  • Make a donation on your sweetie's behalf or volunteer together.


  • *If the roses you choose are grown in a U.S. greenhouse, they require artificial light and heat before being flown or hauled in a temperature-controlled truck, resulting in significant energy use and carbon emissions.

  • **Fair-trade certified cocoa is often shade-grown, providing wildlife habitat and protecting rain forests. It also helps ensure the farmers are paid a fair wage for their products and have safe working conditions.

  • The livestock sector — raising cows, pigs and chickens — generates as much greenhouse gas emissions as all cars, trucks and automobiles combined.


Brave Little State had an interesting story about the highs and lows, pros and cons of heating with wood. Take a listen and you decide.
